Wed. Dec 11th, 2024

by Jane Stillwater

Author’s note:  I sort of consider myself to be a worldly and politically aware person, yet here I am just now realizing stuff about the deadly and treacherous men who run our planet — stuff that people like Patrice Lumumba, Che Guevara and Evita Peron were painfully aware of even back in the 1950s, back when I was naively busy reading Nancy Drew and selling Girl Scout cookies.

Better late than never?

I was talking with a friend recently regarding the role of America as the world’s only superpower.  “America is rapidly losing its place at the head of the table,” commented my friend, and I immediately agreed — but for a different reason than the one that he had in mind.

“America as a country,” I replied, “is not only being forced to share its superpower status with China, Russia and the European Union at this point in time but, in the near future, things are going to get even worse for the U.S.  I’m thinking that even as soon as ten or 20 years from now, America will be pretty much known in the world as a second-rate has-been.”

“Never happen!” exclaimed my friend.  “We’ve got the money, the people, the Constitutional government and the natural resources — not to mention the military power — to stay at the top of the heap for the rest of this century and beyond.”

“Ah, but the key word in your argument here is the word ‘we’.  It strongly appears, however, that ‘we’ no longer control America’s bounty.  ‘THEY’ do.”

Adolph Hitler was an idiot.  He chose to take over the world by force — whereas if he had just stayed cool and played his cards right, he could have taken over the world with his superb propaganda machine instead.  If he had done that instead of blitz-kreiging London and Poland and France and wherever, I bet you dollars to donuts that he would still be in power to this day.  But Hitler was a thug — not a con-man.

And now the con-men are in charge.  They have the exact same agenda as Hitler — corporatism — but they are obviously succeeding where Hitler failed.  They now own America lock, stock and barrel — something that Hitler could only dream of.

“Jane,” you might say, “You gotta be kidding.  Americans own America.”  Do we?

Do “we” control the White House, Congress and the Supreme Court?  No.  Do “we” control Wall Street?  No.  Do “we” control our natural resources, our food supply, our foreign policy, our treasury, our voting machines, our banking system, our tariffs, our industry?  No, no, no, no, no, no, no and no.  Do we even control our own media?  Absolutely no!

When George H. W. Bush announced his plans for a “New World Order” back in 1984 (or whenever), he let the cat out of the bag regarding what had apparently been in the works for years.  “New.  World.  Order.”  We all shoulda just read his lips.  But back then we all thought his plan was for AMERICA to rule the world.  Yeah right.  And it turns out from hindsight that Bush’s New World Order had no place for “We the People” in his plan — except as a source of cheap labor.

You think I’m wrong about this?  When you die and get up to heaven, just ask John Kennedy if I’m wrong!

At this point in time, it seems pretty clear that a handful of rich men at the top of the food chain run the world with an iron hand.  Not a blade of (genetically engineered) grass grows anywhere on the planet — except perhaps in Outer Mongolia — but that the New World Order doesn’t know about it, approve of it and milk it for all that it’s worth.  Hitler would have been so jealous!

“Okay, Jane, these are outrageous charges — but where’s your proof?  Prove that you’re right!”

No.  You (try to) prove that I’m wrong.

I’m currently trying to struggle through all five hours of that  2008 movie “Che” on Netflix, starring Benitio Del Toro  You might consider watching it too.  Way back in the 1950s, the rich dudes who run America now practiced up their “exploiting the masses” chops by exploiting Cuba.  And Iran.  And the Congo.  And what they did to Cuba, Iran and the Congo back then appears to be exactly what they are doing to America now — creating a peasant underclass whose only job is to provide the above-mentioned rich dudes with cheap labor.

While watching this movie, which is set way back in the day, all I could think of was that, 60 years later, the rich dudes are now doing to Haiti and Afghanistan and Iraq exactly what they did to Cuba back in the days of Baptista, to Argentina after Evita died and Chile after Allende was killed.  You’re next, suckers!

But then on the other hand, perhaps America won’t need another Che Guevara in order to save the day here.  Perhaps the innate goodness that lies in the hearts of you and me and all of us other average Americans will finally wise up and tell the rich dudes where to go all by ourselves.

I’m waiting….


Sterling Greenwood asks an important question:  We’ve got Bush guys running the economy, bailing out the big banks and credit card companies.  Bush generals are prosecuting a widened war in Afghanistan.  A Bush puppet is being propped up in Mexico, the result of a fraudulent presidential election.  The health-care reform debate in Congress remains behind closed doors — Bush style.  And it seems the Bush Supreme Court is still doings its thing, too.  Dubya definitely left a legacy.  I wonder when Obama will take office?


From Joe Thompson regarding healthcare for retirees:  I just received a call from my cardiologist’s office, wanting to know if I wanted to schedule an appointment for a checkup.  My wife said we no longer have insurance of any kind and asked how much the visit would be for cash.  Now get this, it will blow your minds.  EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS, for maybe fifteen minutes.  If I still had Medicare it would still cost me over TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS.  This would be just a stethoscope and Hmm mm, visit.  Keep taking the one asprin a day and see me next year, thang.  And cash, no insurance paperwork for the doctor.

Medical costs are out of reach for most of us out here.  Last year we were paying over six thousand dollars in insurance premiums, plus over three thousand dollars in co-pays with the prescriptions on top of all that.  That left us with about ten thousand dollars to live on.  Almost half of our yearly income in medical costs.  Hell the nurse practitionar we use now charges one hundred and ten dollars a visit.

No, we didn’t get booted off Medicare, we cancelled it.  Jane, even with Medicare we could no longer afford to go to a doctor or purchase prescriptions.  The charges are outrageous and continue to climb.  It leaves a person with no alternative but to sit around waiting for the grim reaper.  Were it not for our reverse mortgage we would have already been out on the streets with the rest of the homeless.

Something has to give for all of us.  There’s gonna be a whole lot more retirees moving in with their children if the present trend continues.  We have to choose between paying the bills or medical care and believe me medical care is one of the largest rip-offs in this country, bar none.  The medical profession is ripping off the people big time.  To top it off we can’t turn on the TV without being bombarded with health insurance ads or hospitals advertising how much better they are than all the rest.

On top of all that the prescription drug companies are bambarding us with the fear factors and how much better their drugs are than anyone else’s.  It’s the largest legal racket in the world.  It puts the Mafia to shame.

One of my next door neighbors was just telling me what they pay for health insurance every week out of her husband’s paycheck and this is with company insurance.  Five hundred dollars plus a month.  They just barely make the mortgage on their home and she buys her groceries with nickels and pennies.  Her son’s piggy bank is almost empty.

I say to hell with Haiti, Iraq and Afghanistan, we need to be taking care of our own first.  People are dying by the thousands all over this country every day for lack of affordable medical care.  Children are going to school on empty stomachs.  And retirees are caught between a rock and a hard place.  They have to choose between food and shelter or medical care.

Lets stop all the politcal stuff and get down to the business of providing affordable healthcare for every man, woman and child in this country.


From Robert: The Kidnapping of Haiti, By John Pilger: The theft of Haiti has been swift and crude.  On 22 January, the United States secured “formal approval” from the United Nations to take over all air and sea ports in Haiti, and to “secure” roads.  No Haitian signed the agreement, which has no basis in law.  Power rules in an American naval blockade and the arrival of 13,000 marines, special forces, spooks and mercenaries, none with humanitarian relief training.

The airport in the capital, Port-au-Prince, is now an American military base and relief flights have been re-routed to the Dominican Republic.  All flights stopped for three hours for the arrival of Hillary Clinton.  Critically injured Haitians waited unaided as 800 American residents in Haiti were fed, watered and evacuated.  Six days passed before the US Air Force dropped bottled water to people suffering thirst and dehydration.

The first TV reports played a critical role, giving the impression of widespread criminal mayhem.  Matt Frei, the BBC reporter dispatched from Washington, seemed on the point of hyperventilation as he brayed about the “violence” and need for “security”.  In spite of the demonstrable dignity of the earthquake victims, and evidence of citizens’ groups toiling unaided to rescue people, and even an American general’s assessment that the violence in Haiti was considerably less than before the earthquake, Frei claimed that “looting is the only industry” and “the dignity of Haiti’s past is long forgotten.”  Thus, a history of unerring US violence and exploitation in Haiti was consigned to the victims.  “There’s no doubt,” reported Frei in the aftermath of America’s bloody invasion of Iraq in 2003, “that the desire to bring good, to bring American values to the rest of the world, and especially now to the Middle East … is now increasingly tied up with military power.”

In a sense, he was right.  Never before in so-called peacetime have human relations been as militarised by rapacious power. Never before has an American president subordinated his government to the military establishment of his discredited predecessor, as Barack Obama has done.  In pursuing George W. Bush’s policy of war and domination, Obama has sought from Congress an unprecedented military budget in excess of $700 billion.  He has become, in effect, the spokesman for a military coup.

For the people of Haiti the implications are clear, if grotesque.  With US troops in control of their country, Obama has appointed George W. Bush to the “relief effort”: a parody surely lifted from Graham Greene’s The Comedians, set in Papa Doc’s Haiti.  As president, Bush’s relief effort following Hurricane Katrina in 2005 amounted to an ethnic cleansing of many of New Orleans’ black population.  In 2004, he ordered the kidnapping of the democratically-elected prime minister of Haiti, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, and exiled him in Africa.  The popular Aristide had had the temerity to legislate modest reforms, such as a minimum wage for those who toil in Haiti’s sweatshops.

When I was last in Haiti, I watched very young girls stooped in front of whirring, hissing, binding machines at the Port-au-Prince Superior Baseball Plant.  Many had swollen eyes and lacerated arms. I produced a camera and was thrown out.  Haiti is where America makes the equipment for its hallowed national game, for next to nothing.  Haiti is where Walt Disney contractors make Mickey Mouse pajamas, for next to nothing.  The US controls Haiti’s sugar, bauxite and sisal.  Rice-growing was replaced by imported American rice, driving people into the cities and towns and jerry-built housing.  Years after year, Haiti was invaded by US marines, infamous for atrocities that have been their specialty from the Philippines to Afghanistan.

Bill Clinton is another comedian, having got himself appointed the UN’s man in Haiti.  Once fawned upon by the BBC as “Mr. Nice Guy … bringing democracy back to a sad and troubled land”, Clinton is Haiti’s most notorious privateer, demanding de-regulation of the economy for the benefit of the sweatshop barons.  Lately, he has been promoting a $55m deal to turn the north of Haiti into an American-annexed “tourist playground”.

Not for tourists is the US building its fifth biggest embassy in Port-au-Prince.   Oil was found in Haiti’s waters decades ago and the US has kept it in reserve until the Middle East begins to run dry.  More urgently, an occupied Haiti has a strategic importance in Washington’s “rollback” plans for Latin America.  The goal is the overthrow of the popular democracies in Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador, control of Venezuela’s abundant oil reserves and sabotage of the growing regional cooperation that has given millions their first taste of an economic and social justice long denied by US-sponsored regimes.

The first rollback success came last year with the coup against President Jose Manuel Zelaya in Honduras who also dared advocate a minimum wage and that the rich pay tax.  Obama’s secret support for the illegal regime carries a clear warning to vulnerable governments in central America.  Last October, the regime in Colombia, long bankrolled by Washington and supported by death squads, handed the US seven military bases to, according to US air force documents, “combat anti-US governments in the region”.

Media propaganda has laid the ground for what may well be Obama’s next war.  On 14 December, researchers at the University of West England published first findings of a ten-year study of the BBC’s reporting of Venezuela.  Of 304 BBC reports, only three mentioned any of the historic reforms of the Chavez government, while the majority denigrated Chavez’s extraordinary democratic record, at one point comparing him to Hitler.

Such distortion and its attendant servitude to western power are rife across the Anglo-American corporate media.  People who struggle for a better life, or for life itself, from Venezuela to Honduras to Haiti, deserve our support.

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27 thoughts on “The New World Order: America need not apply”
  1. I want to commend you on a fantastic read. I share your opinions and views on the world and who is REALLY running the show. There are a few documentaries I would suggest for you to watch. You can find them all at for free online viewing.

    The New American Century
    Zietgiest 1, 2, and the addendum
    Fall of the Republic
    National Security Alert
    Loose Change and Loose Change Final Cut

    Also, Check out the following websites:

    For a better understanding of past actions of our govt as well as other international govts and the attrocities they have commited both internationally and domestically… research the following:
    Operation Northwoods
    Operation Ajax
    Operation MKUltra
    Project Resistance
    Operation Mocikingbird
    Operation Sussanah (Lavon Affair)
    Reichstag Fire
    Huston Plan
    Shelling of Mainila
    Gulf of Tonkin Incident
    Gleiwitz Incident

  2. Jane, absent all of the conspiracy-theory nutbag nonsense that you’ll no doubt be hearing (I’ve maintained for some time that the truth – unvarnished – is scary enough) – when you boil down the issues as you’ve done here so well, the things which come to mind are (1) no one is in charge any more; (2) the shadow-people who really run things are faceless, and have no real structure – they’re the ‘rich dudes’ – that’s their only ID, and their only allegiance.

    “…innate goodness that lies in the hearts of you and me and all of us other average Americans will finally wise up and tell the rich dudes where to go all by ourselves.”

    We’ve had our chance to do this; we failed, some time ago, and the result will be More of the Same – one out of four people is out of work; homelessness is the fastest-growing status for America’s citizens, and the government has all but abandoned any sense of its trust.

    (You remember – from civics? “Preserve; protect; defend?” A stable currency? All that? Yep. Gone.)

    Good read. Damn. Good. Read….


  3. An excellent piece of work Jane: it reads really well, good research and presentation. You are echoing my own sentiments about THEM (the rich dudes) and US (the peasants). Not just mine, of course; as Ryan points out there are a lot of aware people who have come to the same conclusions. You nutshell it very cooly around the Haiti hoax.

    I’ve been telling people over the last couple of weeks that when/if Haiti is eventually rebuilt – and if New Orleans is anything to go on it will take decades (THEY need everyone to focus elsewhere) – we will be hearing about luxury hotels, villas, golf courses, swimming pools. I didn’t know about Mr Clinton’s plan for “tourist playgrounds”. Gosh, what a surprise!

    I’m glad you mentioned the Honduras coup; I’m pretty sure little was made of that in the US media; and I didn’t notice much here in France, either (so, thank you Amy Goodman for her coverage). Venezuela is going to be a lot harder to take back though, don’t you think? One of Chavez’ advantages is that he is a bit of a nutter and seems capable of firing off in all sorts of directions. THEY already tried in 2002 and that didn’t work at all well.

    As a conclusion to such depressing yet, to my mind, realistic accounts of the world it is common practice to try to end on an optimistic note. You know, the way The Huff knocks Obama for not delivering the goods but still wants to just give him a little more time to really show what he’s capable of when it is as plain as a Bush Sr at Dealey Plaza that The New World Order has no plans for Mr Obama to become a New Deal president.

    Let us not be optimistic and hopeful that WE can, or even have the will, to change the order of things any more. Perhaps such articles should conclude with tips on survival.

  4. A great read. For me, I don’t believe that it is simply a world run by ‘them’ and rich guys – there is a third element that is used to placate the people into accepting political and social agenda de-construction and reformation into the image of their own, educational institutions. There is no longer a teaching of knowledge but of entitlement and elitism that,if a person has not taken a certain subject and been given a piece of paper, bars people from having the chance to be heard. Governments and private business have no interest in people but in the advice of ‘professionals’. Reality is being shaped by theory rather than theory being rationalized via reality. If something does not fit, it is considered corrupt and must be controlled and manipulated by those who wish to be puppet masters. The problem with this is that the more power and profit that one craves, the higher the perchance that unique cultural characteristics are considered antagonistic.

  5. I think that Chavez is a bit of a Castro; the man America loves to hate, yet keeps coming back in full swing. If we’re very, very lucky, we might acquire a Chavez someday, or a Castro, or a Che. These type of people are neither built by a corporate manifesto, nor groomed by pampered poodle social media elite. They come from the whispers in the tenements, in the dark, terrible dwellings. They see the child hustling for dimes on the sidewalk, the mad fools screaming their prophecies on the street corners. They hear the pain of a people who is their people, and so they speak for them. They guide them. They make them believe in their abilities.

    To acquire a Che or an Evita, however, we must not only understand them, we must follow what they taught. Our Che won’t be surrounded by the cameras or media attention. He won’t be a favorite celebrity on the news. He will come out of the dark and those who follow him will do so because of his actions, not because of the press.

  6. You really want a Che or a Chavez? I’ll admit that our society is fucked up beyond all repair, but such people will only fuck it up even more with nice, long trail of blood followed by the imposition of a command economy (if you think corporatism is terrible, you will *really* loathe a command economy – at least there’s *some* competition in corporatism).

    All the Che’s of the world do is take the established order we have now and turn it upside-down – instead of a wealthy business elite in charge we will have one despotic individual (who claims to represent “the people” – as if such an entity exists) in charge. I argue that what we really need is a more cynical and selfish population to emerge and replace the state-sponsered corporatism we have now with their own locally-oriented affiliations (a la Stirner’s “unions of egoists”): thus allowing individuals to decide what it is they need and how to get it for themselves – rather than have those decisions dictated to them from a “higher” authority (like government, faith or corporate lobbies).

  7. There is a growing resistance but just like any other organization there are certainly well placed spies. The first thing I look for when I’m trying to spot a spy or a puppet is a person or organization that seems to know exactly what’s going on, yet does nothing toward solving the problem. In the media these guys seem to be sounding the drum, massing the people and are quite eloquent and well connected (they always manage to get the greatest guest speakers) yet they have no definite plan of action for the masses they inspire… and ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS have plenty of CD’s and other useless “battle gear” to sell at a huge profit.

    I don’t know much about this organization, I just found them over the weekend but if they are for real they have the plan that sounds better than ANYTHING else I have heard:

    I woke up about the drug war about 3-4 years ago, here’s a link to what I posted about that:
    Using Internet Explorer web browser:
    With All Other Browsers:

    It’s all part of the same plan and a lot of their funding comes from the so called drug war.

  8. Christopher, we will probably never have a Che because most Americans are terrified of losing freedoms they never really had. They would rather allow themselves to be shamelessly exploited, because in their little pea brains they believe they could climb into the same top position of victimizing others as long as they leave the option open under the category, “free enterprise”. The Che’s of the world rallied their followers through the battle cry, “freedom from starvation”. Americans haven’t starved enough to such a freedom as important.

    We will never know if Che would have become a despot as the CIA aborted his intentions, but our society is already quite selfish. It only supports social programs that affect it. If you are elderly, you want no changes in medicare. If you have a child in school, you want no cuts made in the educational program. If you’re already a rich bastard with no other concerns than your bank account, you want no new tax base applied to the wealthy. If you’re cunning enough, you can get a slice of the pie by suing a restaurant for hot coffee. If you’re blatant enough, you can win a moment of fame on a reality show. We spin our wheels and get nowhere because everyone’s pushing the vehicle in a different direction.

    Specifically, Americans are afraid of revolution, especially the bullies who are accustomed to backing people into a corner. If you fight back, they cry about it. They say you are the aggressor and file charges. The courts don’t wish to sort out the issues that caused the transgression, so they fall back on statutes designed to aid and abet bullies, as the bullies are loudest and most likely to succeed in a capitalistic empire. Compromise does not consist of winner take all. It consists on both sides giving a little so that a concept that favors both parties can emerge. Compromise in favor of corporate interests outweighing the needs of society has resulted in an apathetic state indebtedness, loss of sovereign assets and deteriorating educational programs. In other words, there has been no compromise; only a winner takes all. Under these conditions, revolution is inevitable.

  9. [qoute=Karlsie]Christopher, we will probably never have a Che because most Americans are terrified of losing freedoms they never really had. They would rather allow themselves to be shamelessly exploited, because in their little pea brains they believe they could climb into the same top position of victimizing others as long as they leave the option open under the category, “free enterprise”.[/quote]

    To be fair, that belief is not *completely* without merit – it is theoretically possible for certain members of the under-classes to raise their social position (often by becoming much like the upper-classes themselves). However such instances are pretty rare and they nearly always involve that member of the under-class having some kind of connection to those above their station.

    [quote=Karlsie]The Che’s of the world rallied their followers through the battle cry, “freedom from starvation”. [/quote]

    As do many tyrrants – they always seem to pop up when people are desperate enough to yeild to the will of anyone who promises a way out. Naturally, I don’t trust any figure that portrays himself as some kind of “messiah” and promises the end to desperate times…

    [quote=Karlsie]We will never know if Che would have become a despot as the CIA aborted his intentions,[/quote]

    Considering the nature of the company he kept, I’d say the answer is a resounding yes. And no, I’m not just saying that because he was a Communist radical – I’m just as suspicious of radicals from the opposite side of the aile.

    [quote=Karlsie]but our society is already quite selfish. It only supports social programs that affect it.[/quote]

    Selfish? Yes. But critically aware of what is going on behind the scenes? For the majority, no. The brand of selfishness we have today is a mindless animal that confuses short-term desires (such as “get rich quick” and “15 minutes of fame”) with long-term best interests – until they get their priorities straightened out a Stirniresque “union of egoists” can’t form.

    [quote=Karlsie]Specifically, Americans are afraid of revolution, especially the bullies who are accustomed to backing people into a corner. If you fight back, they cry about it. They say you are the aggressor and file charges. The courts don’t wish to sort out the issues that caused the transgression, so they fall back on statutes designed to aid and abet bullies, as the bullies are loudest and most likely to succeed in a capitalistic empire. Compromise does not consist of winner take all. It consists on both sides giving a little so that a concept that favors both parties can emerge. Compromise in favor of corporate interests outweighing the needs of society has resulted in an apathetic state indebtedness, loss of sovereign assets and deteriorating educational programs. In other words, there has been no compromise; only a winner takes all. Under these conditions, revolution is inevitable.[/quote]

    No arguments there – winner-take-all systems can only last so long, but nowhere did I imply that a society of egoists would employ such a system (personally, I envision the truly intelligent egoist as only taking what he knows he can hold onto instead of attempting to lay claim to far more than he could ever maintain control of – never letting his reach exceed his grasp, and in the process leave plenty of resources for others to use).

  10. The government has been selling out our jobs for quite some time. The deregulation of industry has led to massive iniquities being performed by corporate businesses and a loss of jobs for the American people. Corporatism has been pushed as Capitalism and since many don’t understand the difference, they’ve been willing supporters of Fascism. Perhaps the Republicans read Hitler’s playbook and came to the same conclusion, then decided to give their Fascism the soft sell. As you said, it seems to be working.

  11. Thanks for the feedback. No matter how much sense you or I make, however, it seems almost impossible to be heard above the din of media fighting tooth and nail to maintain the status quo kept afloat by the Johnson-Nixon-Reagan-Bush-Clinton-Obama administration. Yaay for Subversify Magazine.

  12. Wall Street reform is going to fail for the same reason that health care reform was eviscerated. An obstructionist Republican Party that is voting as a bloc in order to cause the failure of the Obama presidency. Nothing that Obama supports is going to pass.

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