Wed. Sep 11th, 2024

A Week in Tweets

By Renee Garcia Brown Sep 6, 2017

Twitter poetry by Renee Garcia-Brown

August 25, 2017 to September 1, 2017


Friday, August 25, 2017

Hurricane Harvey is bearing down on the Texas Gulf Coast.




A hurricane U know it’s coming
U got time to heed the warning
Hurricane Trump gave plenty of clues
Every day on TV news
Why wait –







Friday Aug. 25

Trump is ‘considering’ ending DACA (Delayed Action for Child Arrivals), the Obama executive order that allowed illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children to stay here in peace.


defend daca


They came 4Muslims They came 4Jews
They came 4Latinos&LGBTQ
They came 4immigrants&the poor
&Way before
They get through
They’ll come 4me &then 4U







Friday, Aug. 25

Trump pardons Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio who was convicted of criminal contempt for racial profiling of Latinos.


arpaio_trump-Phoenix New Times


Riot riot
I wanna riot
Won’t go quiet
Riot riot
Don’t buy it
Time to riot
Riot riot
Won’t stand by it
Riot riot
Light it up & FRY it!



Saturday, Aug. 26, 2017

Anti-Semitic hate crimes have increased since the Nazi rally and Heather Heyer’s murder in Charlottesville, VA.


gop killers


Swastikas & breaking glass
Since Charlottesville
Windows smashed & hate instilled
By Trump, pardoner-in-chief ~
As you sow
So shall U reap



Sunday Aug.27, 2017

…and if Trump DOES get impeached, then what?


#Trump is chaos & hate
But #Pence is order & hate
Chaos & hate=anarchy
Order & hate=fascism & Nazis
Whichever 1 they do
The rest of us R screwed



Monday, August 28, 2017

Trump tweets about himself and only refers to Hurricane Harvey as the ‘biggest storm’ with ‘record rainfall’ like that’s a personal accomplishment, while people in Houston drown and fight to survive.


trump in texas 4 hurricane


Trump the hater
Democracy decapitator
Pretend president
Hurricane celebrator
Racist Russia-loving traitor
Bitter malcontent



Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Trump visits Texas to act ‘presidential’ to Hurricane Harvey refugees. He didn’t meet with any of the people left homeless, never touched anyone, never showed any sign of empathy or compassion, but did talk about the crowd size.


trump in flood


Trump blew into Houston
Like a hurricane
Said a few words & done
Gotta get to a golf game
To him all crowds R rallies
Even drowning refugees



Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Trump holds a rally on tax cuts for the wealthy while Texans drown and lose their homes in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.


People dying
Trump lying
Texas’ worst disaster
Trump wants laughter
Don’t expect compassion
From a man in a glass mansion~
Of malice



Wednesday Aug. 30

Hurricane Harvey aftermath in flood-ravaged Texas: Over & over again we see videos of ‘ordinary’ citizens risking their lives to rescue neighbors, total strangers and lost & abandoned pets.




Real heroes don’t talk
Do what needs done
Form human chains
& rescue anyone
No race, religion, or species
No greater love
There is than these



Thursday Aug. 31, 2017

French news-satire magazine Charlie Hebdo puts out an issue with a cover showing & saying that the people in Texas who are dying in the flood are all Nazis so basically they deserve it.


french rag mag cover abt tx hurricane



What the French don’t know
In their ignorant mag Charlie Hebdo
Is the real diversity
Of this big country
That libs live in TX
&Nazis R in Cali








Thursday, August 31, 2017

While folks in south Texas struggle with Hurricane Harvey flooding, many losing their homes, their property, their pets, or their lives; people in north Texas especially in the Dallas/Fort Worth area are mobbing gas stations in full-on panic mode, causing a gas shortage that didn’t exist until they freaked out. Meanwhile Trump still threatens to shut down the federal government & hold it hostage over funding for his Mexico border wall even as Texas faces the costliest disaster in American history. 


I’m sick of it
People duel
Over fuel
Focus on THEIR suffering





Friday, September 1, 2017

Trump puts off his decision on whether to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) and Dreamers have to wait over a 3-day holiday weekend to find out if they’ll be deported.


daca dreamers protest

Trump fux #DACA
B-cuz it is survival
4 young immigrants
&was created by Obama
Which Trump hate is more vehement-
Latinos or the black president?





Friday Sept. 1

Waiting for the weekly Trump Friday news dump and sure enough news breaks that Special Counsel Bob Mueller has a letter which may prove that Trump fired ex-FBI director James Comey in an effort to halt the Trump-Russia investigation. 


It’s Friday time 4 the news dump
Bullshit from the House of Trump
Uncertainty, anxiety in the air
This primate regime flings poop everywhere





Renee Garcia-Brown is an army veteran, former print journalist and published author of fiction and poetry, much of it at Subversify from 2010 (under Renee Y. Brown)  onward. @RenwriterRenee  

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