August 16 to August 23, 2017
Twitter Poetry by Renee Garcia-Brown
Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2017
After the Nazi rally and the murder of a peaceful counter-protester in Charlottesville, VA on Aug. 12, 2017, Trump blamed “both sides” for the violence while members of the Republican Party denounced his words but continued to stand behind him.
Republican cowards
Shaking & small
Run like rats
Thru Capitol halls
Say lots of words
Do nothing at all
Whiny & meek
While America falls
Thursday, Aug. 17, 2017
On Tuesday Aug. 15 Trump held a press conference and defended the neo-Nazis, the KKK and other white supremacists who marched in Charlottesville as “good people” who were only standing up for their “heritage.” Republicans in Congress still won’t break with him.
GOP collaborators
Fascist enablers
Won’t stand up
To the evil of Trump
You are complicit
If you’re standing in it
Nazi dung-
Traitors R hung
Thursday, Aug. 17
Too much Trump can lead to despair.
I’m glad I’m old
Will be dead soon
Glad my clock
Isn’t set at noon
I’ve had my say
I’ve had my fill
It’s another’s day
It’s a bitter pill
Friday, Aug. 18, 2017
‘Chief strategist’ Steve Bannon is fired from the White House staff.
Bannon’s out
Doesn’t matter
Trump’s as mad
As the mad hatter
Deranged, unhinged
W/ white man’s rage
On the fringe
In limp old age
Saturday Aug. 19, 2017
After viewing an ABC News vintage video clip from Feb. 26, 1979 about the last solar eclipse visible in America for 38 years until Aug. 21, 2017. Anchorman: “May the shadow of the moon fall on a world at peace.”
2017 seemed
Like flying cars
& people living on Mars
& the things we dreamed
Like equality 4 all
Instead we fall
Below the line
Of 1979
Saturday, Aug. 19, 2017
Steve Bannon threatens ‘war’ with everyone who isn’t him.
Bannon thumpin his chest
“Whites R the best”
Look in the mirror dude
Ugly, decayed & crude
If u r the best white has to offer
~Don’t bother~
Sunday, Aug. 20, 2017
Watching the Sunday news shows.
&the pundits R talking
This&that way
Trumpists R bawling
Whiny excuses
4 Nazis & hate
Ain’t America great?
Let’s all eat cake
Sunday, Aug. 20
One more consideration of the Charlottesville Nazi rally.
Angry white boys
In pretend-soldier junk costumes
With weaponized toys
Still can’t get laid
Go back to ur rooms
& ask mom to fix you
a pb&j
Sunday, Aug. 20
‘#TrumpResign’ is trending on Twitter
#TrumpResign You’ve had ur time
You fucked it up Ur mean, corrupt
#TrumpResign Get ur big behind
Out that house You lazy louse
Ur asinine
Monday, Aug. 21, 2017
The total eclipse of the sun is visible coast-to-coast in the USA.
Darkness blocks out the sun
A perfect metaphor
The Dark One
A raging dinosaur
Rampaging thru
Shitting on
No light, no sun
Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2017
Monday night Trump read a scripted speech that basically said more U.S. troops are going to Afghanistan. On Tuesday ‘#NoBetterFeelinThan’ was trending, so…
Getting out of #Afghanistan
Why fight the Taliban
It’s just like Vietnam
If #Trump wants a win
Get a rifle & send him in
Wednesday, Aug. 23, 2017
On Tuesday night Trump held a rally in Phoenix, Arizona and went into an unhinged rant on numerous topics including the defense of his Charlottesville statements, ridiculing Arizona’s two Republican senators and attacking the media as ‘un-American’ while incessantly praising himself and touting his imaginary successes as president.
Poor little Donnie Trump
Despite frenzied public masturbation
Can’t get it up ~
That’s good 4 the nation
We can’t get screwed
But 4 him ~
Total humiliation!
Wednesday, Aug. 23
Late in the evening the Trump White House announced it was providing the Pentagon with guidance to institute a ban on trans-gender people serving in the U.S. military.
#LGBTQ people can
Be America’s defenders
As well as str8-genders
If the whole military was trans
My sister woulda been safer –
A str8 man raped her
Renee Garcia-Brown is an army veteran, former print journalist and published author of fiction and poetry, much of it at Subversify from 2010 (under Renee Y. Brown) onward. @RenwriterRenee ,
As usual, Renee, you certainly have a way with words! I legitimately “lol’d” at some of your lines, while feeling the pain and anger behind others!
Thanks Brittany I appreciate your comment! Also a big shout-out to Mitchell for the great page design!