By: Ronald Thomas West
In the United States theory of law there is a known and in the past prosecuted concept called ‘color of law.’ Color of law is when the apparatus of state puts up a pretense of legitimate authority to pursue what are in fact illegal acts.In the case of the FISA court, there is ZERO constitutional foundation for any secret jurisprudence violating American citizens’ individual rights laid out in our constitution’s first through eighth amendments, which the FISA court authorizing Prism in fact sets out to do.
In the case of Edward Snowden:
Congressional leaders Diane Feinstein and John Boehner have used the terms ‘treason’ and ‘traitor’ HOWEVER: The actual traitors under any authentic American or ‘de jure’ rule of law are those persons putting forth a pretense these civil liberties violations are legitimate. This points first to the Congress authoring patently unconstitutional legislation, then second, to any president signing and implementing such unlawful authority and subsequently, any Chief Justice appointing members of said secret court under FISA law, and finally those persons accepting and serving FISA, these are the ‘traitors’ if our constitution were to mean anything in the present day, which in fact it would appear it does not.
It is clear our core American values in philosophy, theory and practice of law, have been discarded by the national leadership of both parties.
When Senator Diane Feinstein claims ‘prism’ is ‘legal’ she is in a philosophy of law tar pit. Prism is unconstitutional from top to bottom; our constitution’s clause authorizing congress to create courts does not employ language allowing a constitutional oxymoron that is creating secret jurisdiction undermining other clauses of the constitution.
Restated in the simplest terms; when the clause allowing congress to create courts is construed in such a way as to undermine other constitutional clauses, only one clause will count: the clause creating courts congress gave away to secrecy. You can forget about the rest, including the clauses which guarantee a trial by your peers, the right to confront your accusers, your right of public speech for which you can now be prosecuted in secret, and now your private speech that can be stolen and misconstrued in secret star chamber proceedings, et cetera, add nausea. The end result is no constitution at all. Only mental pygmies and liars could hold any other point of view. It is abundantly clear Color of law has overtaken the highest institutions of the USA.
Obama must have been a terrible law professor or he has actually thrown out any principled view of American foundational law when ensconced in the halls of power, which appears to be a widespread and socially contagious disease at the apex of 21st century American politics; particularly noting Chief Justice John Roberts who appoints the members of the secret FISA court. With this ‘star chamber’ in place, one only need examine who is hunted and sent to prison or murdered without charge or trial, such as 16 years old U.S. citizen Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, as opposed to those rewarded for crimes of unspeakable magnitude; as fans of fascism and impunity were never in short supply in ‘civilized’ peoples power structures. And so it is the power corrupt, example given, recent Director of Central Intelligence General Patraeus who’d provided cover to James Steele in Iraq for organized torture centers and death squads, is rewarded with a seat at Bilderberg, where no doubt Patraeus can offer innovative method recently applied in Iraq to the longstanding organizing of Black African militia murdering Black Africans to the advantage of corporate rip-off of African peoples’ resources.
One only need compare this to the aggressive pursuit of Edward Snowden for whistle-blowing crimes against the rule of law; to understand what is actually going on in those rarified circles of empowered White men (a term inclusive of Condoleezza & Susan Rice) knowing what is good for deliberately disenfranchised Brown people, also known as corporate money means murder around the world.
If one carefully considers what Edward Snowden has stated in the video, it was never more clear corporate boards have access to all of the information corporate criminal personalities would need to prepare ‘kill lists’ independent of any governmental ‘authority’
Condoleezza & CHEVRON have access to PRISM