Mon. Feb 10th, 2025

How to Spot Suspicious People and Behaviors While Traveling

safe-travelMany of our readers travel and live throughout the globe.  While travel is fun, there are some things that can make it less stressful and help new travelers feel safer.  

By: Jason Harter

Traveling provides you with an exciting adventure, and you get to explore an array of new places. Although traveling is exciting, you also really need to keep safety in mind. The security has been increased in most mediums of travel, but it is still important that you be on the lookout for people also traveling who seem suspicious. Keep the following considerations in mind when you want to ensure your utmost safety while on vacation.

People Watching You

Unfortunately, sometimes, people will watch you when you enter into your hotel, when you leave and if you are traveling with someone else. Therefore, you need to be aware of your surroundings. If you see someone who is constantly at every place that you are, you need to let an authority know. Do not make a big scene, or you could cause a riot to start. Let a hotel official or police officer know about the situation. If you get the sense that someone is following you, do not feel you’re being paranoid by saying something.

Strange Bags/Packages

Of course, other people are traveling too, and they might have bags and/or packages that they are taking with them. Still, you need to be aware of what could be inside of these, and this note is particularly true if you are traveling via a mode of public transportation. Look for people who carry big packages with them on the train, plane, subway and so forth. You especially need to be aware of unattended packages. Alert an official immediately if you see one of these hanging around. You have to be very careful about these situations.

Individuals Who Loiter

Sometimes, people will gather in areas with a lot of tourists, and they are trying to scam them. For example, they will wait around the front of museums or popular restaurants, and they will follow you when you come out. Try to scope out the area in front of any of these establishments. Additionally, when you are walking out of a building, be sure to hold your bag close to your body. Hold onto your children’s hands. Again, if anyone starts to follow you, get to a police officer as soon as possible. Keep an eye out on the situation around the hotel as well.

If You’re Alone

Basically, if you are traveling by yourself, you need to be suspicious of practically everything. No, you should not become paranoid. Instead, you need to use common sense. You should not be walking around alone at night. Take a cab if you must go out. These rules are particularly important for young women who are traveling by themselves; ultimately, you are the most likely target. Have a cell phone with you at all times, and find out if pepper spray is legal in the place to which you are traveling. You can also purchase a flashlight that has the power to temporarily blind someone who tries to attack you.

These notes are not supposed to frighten you; they are supposed to make you aware of the world in which we live. Dangerous criminals and scam artists alike target tourists, so you need to remain aware of what is happening around you.

Author Jason Harter is a CIA agent who is an expert at spotting suspicious travelers. If you’re asking How Do I Become a CIA Agent? follow the link.


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