Sun. Jan 12th, 2025

By: Jennifer Lawson-Zepeda

Enter Mia Love, Mayor of Sarasota Springs, Utah…the darling of the Republican Party.  Why?  Because she parrots their asinine rhetoric and plays duck and dodge when asked direct questions — Romney style.

Another Tea Party Token

Ludmya “Mia” Bourdeau Love is the mayor of Saratoga Springs; and the sweetheart daughter of two parents from Haiti.

She’s a woman who ‘claims’ her father taught her to never to accept any handouts.

She’s a woman who claims she was taught to stand on  her own two feet and pull herself up by the bootstraps.

Can I vomit now?

I love immigrants.  I really do.  I think they add to the texture of our country.

But, why do SOME immigrants think they can come to the U.S. and “fix” things for us with 50’s rhetoric we’ve already lived through that we learned from?

Why do they bring their baggage here filled with nasty racist and poverty filled assumptions about human beings and compassion, instead of open hearts?

First of all, take your asses back to Haiti or anywhere else, if you are teaching your kids that they should never offer help to others!

If you are this selfish, you don’t understand what it is to be an American!

America takes pride in it’s concept of compassion and citizenship.  This seems to miss some who come here.

Come to America and enjoy!  But don’t try to come here to tell us how it should be, thanks.

And I say the same thing about Americans who expatriate to other countries and do the same thing.  It’s vulgar!  You move to a country to appreciate its culture; not to inflict your skewed values upon it.

Take Citizenship

What is ‘citizenship,’ you may ask?  It’s not that stupid idea that so many flag waving nationalists represent; where you must have legal documents to be a part of a community.  That’s the Jethro Bowdeen Clampett school of thought…not what this country was founded upon.

Basically, citizenship breaks down to two things:



Citizenship is acting as a steward to your community in times of need.  It is working as an individual inside of a community to improve the well being of all.

It’s giving back after you’ve taken.

So how is it that Ms. Mia Love, with her subsidized education missed all of this?

How is is that she doesn’t get that citizenship involves leaving school with an understanding of enough social and moral awareness in order to thrive in a community as a citizen and help others to thrive as well.

The Politicking of Mia Love

Ms. Ludmya “Mia” Bourdeau Love has stated that her motto, when it comes to things like federal subsidies, is get rid of them at all costs:

For example, among areas she lists she would most like every other American to stand on their own two feet include:

Education Assistance

The Earned Income Tax Credits that middle Americans enjoy

Food subsidies

Federal spending including reducing subsides for college tuition

Public Broadcasting Service

Food Stamps (EBT)

School Lunches
After all, fuck all those people who need help getting by while Ms. Mia Love takes her subsidized education and seeks office in Washington to control the subsidies of others.

A Look At Mia’s Proposals

In the “Mia” Lovescheme of lowering the budget, she would slam $60 billion dollars worth of federal cuts upon the rest of us.

Including all of the federal grants used in her own state of Utah to rain $70 million dollars down to build things like homeless shelters, affordable housing and offer subsidized rents.

But for her race to become the “first black woman Republican Congresswoman” Ms. Ludmya “Mia” Bourdeau Love has several policies that she most likely will throw her hands up in the air to answer.

In the Ms. Love’s scheme of things, she would wipe out subsidized education for those who cannot afford to attend college; even though her own tax statements list at least $30,000 in student loans that she obtained her education with.
Ludmya “Mia” Bourdeau Love is also certain that women should have a “choice” to pay for contraceptives by “having jobs.”  However, she isn’t big on “choice” for a woman to choose her own decision about abortion.

She uses the word “choice” loosely in an amateurish rhetorical effort to cover the fact that she is for anything BUT choice.  She’s parroting the Republican rhetorical game of using words understood to mean one thing, to mean exactly the opposite.

Anti-Choice Love

In fact, in covering her REAL agenda, which she finally admits if probed enough…that she doesn’t believe in abortion…she tries to sway the conversation away from Women’s Reproductive Issues by saying she doesn’t want women to get lost “in the weeds.”  The weeds?  Seriously, Ms. Love?  You consider a woman’s reproductive rights asweeds?

But how does Ms. Love feel about the Lilly Ledbetter Act to champion wage equality?  Is that sullying oneself ‘in the weeds’ too?

I mean, if you sway the conversation away from women’s reproductive rights during a discussion on women’s issues to stating that you want them to have “jobs to pay for contraception,” then, why would you endorse a party that wants to remove a woman’s right to equal pay on the job too?

After all, it was REPUBLICAN Senators who blocked Paycheck Fairness Act.

Republicans have not only denied the claim that their attacks on reproductive rights constitute a war on women, they’ve also pointed out that more women than men have lost jobs during President Obama’s tenure. In other words, Democrats are the real enemy of women, they’ve suggested.

But when conservatives in the U.S. Senate had the opportunity Tuesday to pass a bill that would have promoted equal pay for women and men, they blocked the Paycheck Fairness Act from passing. The bill would’ve penalized companies who discriminated against women workers, made it easier for women to learn if they were being shortchanged in pay, and helped women who sued companies for pay discrimination.

Mitt Romney, who’s pointed out the many job losses women have suffered under the Obama administration, has kept mum about his thoughts on equal pay for women. But Lilly Ledbetter, the Goodyear worker who fought her pay discrimination case against the tire giant all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, is asking Romney to publicly support the Paycheck Fairness Act.

“You talk often about your unique understanding of the economy,” Ledbetter wrote to Romney Tuesday. “I’m troubled, though, that you don’t seem to understand the consequences of pay inequality. It’s not just about a paycheck and it’s not just a women’s issue – it’s a family issue.
(Source:  Lilly Ledbetter Takes Romney to Task on Equal pay)

Where is Ms. “Mia” Love during all of this?  Oh!  I know…this must be weeds too!

A Fools Paradise

While addressing what she would do to change things in Washington, she  avoids answering the question — Romney-style.

She ducks and dodges and says that there is a lack of bipartisanship.

Ahem, ahem…that wasn’t the question, bimbo!   And a lot of that lack of bipartisanship has a great deal to do with Republican filibustering .

You see, Mia Love loves to claim that her parents taught her to do life without handouts.

Make it on your own she says as she pays on her student loans.  Don’t take subsidies she says, as her state accepted $70 million in federal subsidies.

In the Mia Love scheme of things, she would wipe out subsidized education for those who cannot afford to attend college; even though her own tax statements list at least $30,000 in student loans she obtained her education with.

Mia Love is also certain that women should have “a choice to pay for contraceptives” by “having jobs;” however, she isn’t big on choice for a woman to choose her own decision about abortion.

She uses the word “choice” loosely as an amateurish rhetorical effort to cover the fact that she is for anything BUT choice.  She’s parroting the Republican rhetorical game of using words understood to mean one thing as exactly the opposite.

In fact, in covering her REAL agenda, which she finally admits if probed enough…that she doesn’t believe in abortion…she tries to sway the conversation away from Women’s Reproductive Issues by saying she doesn’t want women to get lost “in the weeds.”

While addressing what she would do to change things in Washington, she  avoids answering the question, Romney-style
You see, she loves to claim that her parents taught her to do life without help.

All of this reminds me of singing,  You can give me pig meat  at a vegan convention.

Her use of the word “choice” which has come to mean reproductive freedom,  now used as a placard for restrictive rights for women.

Her insistence that everyone but her should make it without government help.

All of it…PIG MEAT!  Including the way they try to whiten up her name.


For more from Jennifer Lawson-Zepeda visit her blog @

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9 thoughts on “Mia Love — A story of Rhetoric and Pig Meat”
  1. I get it. She likes the way the government of Haiti is handled, with a small, elite society and everybody else in acute poverty. You can believe if they immigrated from Haiti, they had never gone without a meal or slept on a door step, because the United States doesn’t give its loving support to that type of immigrant.

    Women make up sixty percent of the US job market. If they are the majority of the population punching a time card, of course their numbers are going to be in the majority of those losing jobs. It’s not that she’s an immigrant that bothers me. It’s that she’s just one more of the entitled without a conscience.

  2. It bothers me that she is one of the entitled that uses her immigrant status as a banner. She is a “token” for the Right wing agenda and makes them feel all warm and fuzzy that they have a black woman in their ranks spewing their agenda.

  3. Wow, innacurate information, bad grammar AND name-calling. Your article has all of the hallmarks of liberal talking-head hack journalism!

  4. @Jeremy- would you please expand on your comments? With all seriousness, I am interested in knowing what you think is “inaccurate” information. A learning discourse cannot happen unless inaccuracies are clearly stated.

  5. Well to correct your original post, Mia Love is NOT an immigrant, her parents were. She was born in New York.
    Secondly, student loans are not subsidized education, they are a loan you have to pay back.
    Third, she is a Mayor, not a state legislator, and therefore has ZERO control of Utah taking federal tax dollars.
    Fourth, she has never once been ambiguous about her stand on abortion. She said from the beginning that as a Mormon, she was anti-abortion.
    And last but not least, the article ends with “Her insistence that everyone but her should make it without government help” doesn’t explain what “help” she has gotten. If you are still talking about student loans, those are LOANS which she is responsible to pay back and therefore not a subsidy!! A public scholorship is a subsidy, there is no mention of one…

  6. Jeremy, Mia Love considers student loans to BE a subsidy, so your rhetorical approach at correcting me is a moot point. Also, I never claimed she was an immigrant. I claimed her parents were…the ones that taught her a disdain for asking for help in a country where this is classically a virtue we admire. Also, if you read the first paragraph, it says:
    “Ludmya “Mia” Bourdeau Love is the mayor of Saratoga Springs; and the sweetheart daughter of two parents from Haiti.” That says mayor, dear. Try reading with your glasses on next time.

  7. Fact is, Craig, Mia Love wouldn’t of won the primary, if the National Republican Party, hadn’t stepped in and strong armed the deligates, into voting for Love, pointing out that she had special characteristics that made her a winnable option. (Black, Female, Named Love). ” The rising star”. Reality is mia Love is a sales gimik. Anyone familiar with the realities behind her time as mayor of Saratoga Springs, knows that she has no quilifications, or accomplishments that make her deserving of this position. I assure you much will come to light, in the near future, showing your observation, that, Mia Love is a true Conservative, is nothing short of nonsense. She talks a good talk, that is where it ends… All the hype behind her isn’t going to fool the voters in the fourth district. Take a moment and read the comments when articles are posted on the internet, regarding Love, 90% are negative and derogatory towards her. Reality is those who know her and her tacticts, aren’t buying all the hype. The nation doesn’t vote for this position, the people of the fourth district do, and we know better. Didn’t we learn anything from John Swallows second attempt? Wouldn’t it really make more sense to present a Republican candidate who could win?

  8. So basically Mia needs to get her immigrant butt back on the plantation or else!! The massive racism demonstrated by the Left against minorities who don’t believe in socialism is disgusting, and hyper aggressive.

    You are typical of the Left towards conservative minorities, and it’s sad.

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