Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

Declaration of IndependanceBy: The David

Whether we care to admit it or not, religion has been a part of the history of the United States ever since the Framers of the Declaration of Independence formulated that document. Thomas Jefferson seems to have been a Deist who followed no set religion, but believed in a Supreme Being. John Adams was a Congregationalist. Other Protestant denominations were a part of that Congressional body, as were Pennsylvania Quakers. Benjamin Franklin who seems to have been an Atheist enjoyed a position as sage and advisor.

Although Thomas Jefferson is credited with being the author of the Declaration, he was in fact only the author of the first draft. Then, during the debate that followed, parts of Jefferson’s original submission were removed and replaced by the contributions of others until they were woven together into the fabric of the document we are familiar with.

The core of the document remains as Jefferson wrote it: “We hold these truths to be-self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” This text gives awareness of a “universal God.” It does not speak to any particular religion, or to a concept of any single belief, but rather acknowledges the thought that there is a God who is the giver of human rights to all people.

There have been, through the history of these United States, efforts to hi-jack the Declaration and the Constitution to further the agendas of various religions and sects. Roman Catholics and Mormons suffered grievously at the hands of militant Protestants determined to stamp out what was different. The American Indian. This group of people were pushed out of their lands and herded on death marches and it was justified because they were “heathen” and did not know (the white man’s) God.

“We hold these truths to be-self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

It seems that the further back these words recede, the more some forget them and their intent. Time passed, and religious belief assured many from the North and the South that they were right under God’s Laws to hold slaves or to engage in the slave-trade. Still later, religion was used to justify laws against miscegenation and the so-called “separate but equal” laws of our own version of Apartheid. Many Churches blessed the persecution of people of color, the blacks, the yellows and still, the American Indians.

“We hold these truths to be-self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

So it continued. But never before in our history has any sect or religion attained the power enjoyed today by Fundamentalist Christians within these United States. Never before has any sect or religion so publicly entered our Political arena and insisted upon the systematic devaluing of other human beings who differed from their beliefs. Never before has a Religious Group attempted to force their dogma down the throats of the public, and in doing so, attempted to hi-jack the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

“We hold these truths to be-self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Women, People of Color, Homosexuals,People who believe the Right of a woman to choose, Immigrants. All of these have been demonized in one way or another by the Fundamentalist Christian Leaders. These people have over-stepped the bounds that have allowed them to thrive and become wealthy under the tax laws of this country. If anyone believes they are not involved in politics and exerting pressure on elected officials, all we need do is look at their conventions where every Republican Candidate feels the need to be present and make obeisance to a group that should not have political power. Our politicians have given over their power to a group who has exerted force on them to pass the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), has attempted to amend the constitution to prevent homosexuals from enjoying the rights and privileges that come with marriage, (and have successfully done so in states such as California and Florida.) They attempt to pass laws that will send poor women back to the alleys and the coat-hangers for abortions when they cannot afford to bring another child into the world.

“We hold these truths to be-self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

We have given these people immense power by catering to their whims and their beliefs. Our politicians, particularly those from the Right have given power to people who despite all evidence believe that evolution is a lie; who, despite all scientific evidence believe that the world is only six thousand years old, and that the dinosaurs roamed the world with man. We have given such power to people who embrace Creationism as a valid branch of science, and believe the bible is to be taken literally. We have given political credence to these people who preach that Muslim fundamentalism is evil, and that Muslims themselves are evil because of it…. but don’t see the very serious evil in the brand of Christian Fundamentalism they themselves try to inflict on others. Theocracy, any theocracy is wrong. It is an evil that strips away the rights of the non-believer. In no way is this what the Framers had in mind.

“We hold these truths to be-self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

What is the remedy for this abuse of the rights of others? I believe it is imperative that politicians and constituents alike respect the right of the Fundamentalists, the so-called Christian Right to preach their poison in their own Churches. If any of them enter the political arena either in their preaching or practice, then I believe they must register as Lobbyists and be made to pay income Taxes. Aside from that, they must be ignored. By ignoring them we simply refuse to give them credence. Without credence, they will no longer have the power to harm others with the impunity they have enjoyed. If we can do that, maybe we can once again look the historic Thomas Jefferson in the eye and with a clear conscience, repeat his words and believe their promise:

“We hold these truths to be-self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

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5 thoughts on “We Hold These Truths….”
  1. Good job, David, and good point overall. Church and politics don’t mix, and any Christian trying to politicize in the lord’s “house” should be ashamed of himself.

  2. The David, as i read your words, i was stirred by those passions that first made me believe in the undeniable quality of a life free from religious, cultural or ethnic persecution; those passions that made me wish for the common good of human fellowship. It was a wonderful moment; like joining a freedom march and listening to a stirring speaker. It is our right to treat and be treated by each other with dignity and respect. It is our joy, for then we have so much more we can share with each other. Those doctrines that would cause us to fall upon and destroy kindness with hatred, honesty with lies, are those that would remove our right to be a civilized nation, a knowledgeable society, a benevolent people.

  3. Very nice thedavid!

    Many years ago, I began to review these self evident truths and came to the conclusion, and perhaps it is the wrong conclusion, that many people have lost sight of this simple concept. Our lives have became so underrated with the at demand lifestyles we lead that we forget the truth of the foundation of our Republic(an) system of government. It has become second nature for each individual to be distracted from truths that stare us all in the face. Instead of Individual (inborn) Rights that are alloted under constitution, the average American now turns to “Civil” Rights. These “Civil” Rights speak of Rights of the individual holding very little sway in the contrast of the greater whole; meaning that your rights only hold sway so long as they do not disturb present style of government. What is the Equal Rights Amendment? On what premise does the current government say what is lawful or acceptable under said amendment? There is so much debate as to interpretation of the Constitution, most of which is presented in the stylus of “Spin Doctor” by the lawmakers of present, that most people do not realize that the Constitution was not created to define the Rights of the Citizens, but rather is a point of reference to the limitations of those who choose to accept offices of representation.

    For instance, What is the self evident truth of the second Amendment? Our right to bear arms? Do we, as the current administration would have us believe, have the right to bear arms, to have the ability to form a militia, only until a governmental office says it is no longer needed on the basis that a Federal military has been enacted and the various States need no longer worry about the need of self defense? Perhaps. Although I would believe the Self evident truth would be the right to bear arms not only to defend you and yours, provide defense and sustenance to your respective land and family, but also, if need be to form a militia and “Change a Grievous Form of Government” if the need arises.

    I know that went a little off target of your article and for that I apologize. But this is a topic that I am very passionate about.

    Now you also speak of religion in the formation of our Republics. And there are several references to “Christianity” in the American style of Government, and the best place to start is once again self evident in the stylus of our “Supreme Constitution”. There are six documents that this Constitution contain, and every lesser Constitution must also reference these documents or they shall be Void. These documents are:

    1. The Bible
    2. The Magna Carta, signed in 1215 by King Charles I
    3. The petition of Rights granted by King Charles I in 1628
    4. The Habeas Corpus Rights granted by King Charles II in 1679
    5. The English Bill of Rights granted by William and Mary in 1689
    6. The Articles of Confederation.

    Further we see the influence of Christianity in the creation and application of the Supreme Court. When you approach the Supreme Court’s exterior, you will notice that the Ten Commandments are forever etched in the stone of the building to be read by all as they enter the premises. You will also notice, that the Holy Commandments are also carved in the wooden double doors of the entrance to the chambers of the Supreme Court. And if you were in such a hurry that you were not able to read these commandments on your way in, they are once again displayed for all to read behind the seats of the Justices of the Court. The only other object that is on display, or incorporated more, into the buildings of D.C. is the Tobacco Leaf, a source of great income at the time of the formation of the republics.

    One of the things that one should remember is that this style of government was created in a time when Christianity was the religion of the self imposed King of England, and therefore the known world in whole. There were very few other religions of the era that were not being destroyed as the influence of England became a common grip of the world. Today that is different and I believe it is a concept not accounted for by the founding Forefathers.

    I agree with the representation you outline as to “religion” being twisted to suit the current policies of the day, the justification of slavery you reference and so forth. And I would add that self evident truths are only self evident so long as we guard them, for they are so very easily twisted to the nefarious needs of others that we may not remember their true origins.

    I very much enjoyed your Article. Thank You from the bottom of my heart for letting me remember some of the reasons that inspired me to be such a pain in the Ass to those in seats of representation.

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