On the surface, PETA seems like the ideal organization to support if you have a consciousness for the fair treatment of animals and their conservation. After all, who wouldn’t agree that animal testing isn’t inhumane, that assembly line slaughter houses are abominable, or that placing a creature in an unnatural environment causes it to suffer? PETA has even raised some levels of awareness in humane activities. When Alaska’s elephant, Annabel, began to suffer poor health due to living in a harsh environment she wasn’t equipped to handle, a campaign was successfully launched to send her to a safari like animal conservatory and a chance to roam freely with other elephants, without the neat for an artificially heated shelter. Although Annabel had arrived in Alaska through no fault of the citizens; she was brought there by a traveling circus and abandoned years ago, the people were happy to pick up the charges for her upkeep, place her in the zoo and grow fond of her. They were very reluctant to let her go, but compassion ruled in their sensibilities and she was released to a wildlife reserve where she has been healthy and happy ever since. This was all largely due to PETA’s campaign.
However, some of PETA’s interference in Alaskan animal life policies have made them a very unwelcome presence. Arctic ice melt has forced Polar Bears to move farther inland in search for food. Last year, several made appearances in inland villages that normally never see villages, and two were shot and killed. PETA was very indignant, chastising the villagers for killing a member of an endangered species. Without a doubt, the villagers felt endangered. The favorite food of Polar Bears is seals; a very salty meat. The only inland animal with a high salt content is humans. There were children and women to protect. When it came down to eat or be eaten, the villagers preferred to eat.
A recent campaign to regard fish with the same mental attributes as mammals has resulted in a failure so great, even young girls punch holes in the argument. Said eleven year old, Harmony, the fourth generation of a commercial fishing family in Unalaska, “it just doesn’t look right,” after looking at the cartoon and reading through the information on the site. “They say that they’re intelligent, but they’re not really,” Harmony. “They have tiny, tiny little brains. Very miniature.” Her friend, Chastity, aged twelve, agreed. “They call them sea kittens. I don’t see them as sea kittens. I see them as food.”
The girls also take issue with the claims that sea kittens are unhealthy to eat. “They only talk about farm fish — it’s not wild Alaskan, which is very good for you,” Harmony said.
PETA’s claims that fish can feel affection and develop attachments in the same way as a mammal are highly dubious. Most fish species are cannibalistic and apparently rely more on instinct than any actual higher brain function. Their brains are indeed very tiny; even the shark has a proportionately smaller brain for size than the water dwelling mammals. If we are to rank the animals we eat according to brain capacity, in the natural kingdom fish would still rank just above vegetables. Appealing to the compassion of a tiny brained animal in a state where one third of the population is dependent on the fishing industry for its livelihood, and two thirds eat fish as one of the main indigenous foods in their diets is just not going to work.
PETA is very fond of making broad statements without scientific evidence. They stoutly insist that factory farming is the number one cause of greenhouse gasses, while the majority of scientists agree carbon dioxide from fossil fuel burning, creating pollutants, acid rain and dumping toxins into our ocean, altering the currents; is the leading man made attribute toward global warming. Although corporate farming creates its own harm through synthetic growth hormones, steroids, stimulants, crowded conditions leading to diseases and salmonella poisoning, methane gas is part of the natural composition for rejuvenating earth’s life cycles. If we returned to manure instead of oil-based fertilizers, we would grow healthier agricultural foods in chemically free soil.
They feel animal kind would have been better off without their domestication, which consequently would bump us down a few notches in the food pyramid. PETA has failed to recognize the importance domestic animals has contributed to our modern life styles Without their domestication, we’d still be in the stone age. . We would not have had oxen to pull carts, pack animals for travel, live stock liberating us from spending most of our time foraging. We would still be struggling with tiny garden plots, barely conscious of our neighbors, and shivering at night, worried about the wild animals that roamed around us. Dogs, originally used for guard duty, then later expanded to include hunting, pulling and other work capacities, would be dangerous pariahs, and cats, had they forever been shunned from domestication, would not have played their role in wiping out the Bubonic Plague.
The domestication of animals aided humankind over the process of several thousand years. There are many species that have developed such dependencies. They would not survive without the protective lines of fences, food and shelters. Although domestic animals may no longer be as useful to us as workers, and we wouldn’t need them if we all become vegetarian, they still need us. What to do about all the unwanted domestic animals? Once again, PETA offered a practical solution; spay and neuter your pets so they can’t reproduce. There are few pet owners who have visited the local dog pound who wouldn’t agree to this, although it seems a little surprising coming from a group that believes even teaching your dog to go to the bathroom outside is cruel. Spaying female dogs that have never had puppies often produces a life-long neurosis in the animal, leaving her with maternal cravings and exercising her motherly instincts on everything from stuffed animals to small children. Neutering animals doesn’t decrease their alpha desires. They’ll still hump everything in sight, desperately trying to reduce their blank shot urges. However, it’s far less painful to watch your cherished pet suffer frustrated natural urges than it is to try and find homes for excess puppies and kittens.
The problem is, PETA goes beyond the scope of trying to reduce the unwanted pet population. Their ultimate goal seems to be the complete eradication of domestic animals. According to a 2007 report from the office of the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, PETA terminated the lives of ninety percent of the unwanted animals placed in their care, while the Virginia Humane Society managed to find homes for sixty five percent of their animal orphans. With a thirty million dollar a year income to build shelters and ethically treat animals according to their ideals, this seems a little shocking.
Euthanasia seems to be their favorite solution. The recent protests against chicken nugget producers is not against the way corporate farming raises them; in tight little boxes, never seeing sun light, shot full of stimulants so as to drop two eggs a day in their productive years; but in the manner that they are killed. PETA wants the slaughter houses to use gas instead of whacking their heads off, even though it hasn’t been proven that gas is any less painful to the chicken’s short-lived trauma than butchering them.
At best PETA is a cult, ignoring the laws of nature or attempting to re-organize them in the sense of their fair play. Nature has its own agenda. The lion is not going to sleep with the lamb until nature makes the lion an herbivore. Fish are not going to be viewed as sea kittens until they develop fur, legs and a playful, cuddly disposition. We are not going to be able to live in harmony with our animals gone wild until these animals leave our crops and trees alone, are taught not to invade our streets and homes, or endanger our lives. At worst, PETA is an organization, wasting millions of dollars in tax payers money, tying up courts with such intricacies as administering euthanasia to circus animals because they’re better off dead, and allowing villages to starve as they’re cruel to the fish. They diminish the efforts of other wild life organizations whose main purpose is to maintain a healthy balance between all species of creatures. They demand we relinquish our centuries old relationship with domestic animals; a relationship that has entailed a bondage of mutual service, responsibility and affection; and release these animals out into the wild so they can be duly slaughtered by their predators. They have joined the throw away society. Since domesticated animals no longer have a use for them; after all, we now have plenty of technology to replace their servitude; we should just throw them away. This may sound fine to urban dwellers whose only adjustment would be in becoming vegetarian and wearing cotton or oil based synthetics, but it’s sad, lonely and somewhat frightening to the rural person who struggles with the forces of nature, hunger, herbivores that steal their crops and predators that lurk just beyond their fields every day.
You just say all that because you enjoy murdering fish. Sicko.
Fish only have little, bitty feelings because they have little, bitty brains. I’ll bet the trees freak out every time they see a chain saw coming.
Fish have like a 3 second memory – that’s why you can keep catching the same one over and over…
Wasn’t it up in Alaska after that oil spill that they had found some animals and on one seal they spent a lot of money on to bring it back to health.
When it came time to release it, they all cheered from the shoreline only to be shocked when an Orca whale came up and ate it in front of their eyes…
Somehow, I found that a little amusing, but not for the seal.
I’ve heard about PETA killing all those animals and thought that was so wrong. Aren’t they suppose to protect the animals??
And I’ll tell you another thing. If a wolf were to come into my yard I’d give it a warning shot first, the next one would be for real.
But I suppose it doesn’t help that I have a bunch of deer tallow and carrion out there for the birds from last years deer hunt. The birds love it though. It helps them through the cold winter.
Decisions, decisions….
Okay, two warning shots, then the next one is for real … lol… 🙂
I don’t see how fish can be cuddly sea creatures. You know how they say some people have a green thumb it’s natural. Well does that apply to fish tanks? Would it be a blue thumb that one would need? Because ever since I was a little girl fish always died on me. I guess I don’t have a blue thumb or half a green thumb for that matter. Since half my plants always die. Jeez don’t tell PETA before they start a plant coalition.
As for your article above, you do prove some points. I find it ironic that PETA is all for protecting animals, yet euthanizing animals is a practice they preach. And what is worse than neutering? Funk that.
You’re work always has a nice flow to it.
Wind, you keep a good eye on Alaskan wildlife news. I’m always surprised at the number of people who seem to think we can somehow control wild animal behavior. Our compassionate feelings toward wild animal life is not necessarily going to elicit compassionate feelings in them. In fact, there are times our kindness can be harmful; when wolves, foxes, moose, bears become so tame by our handouts and tolerance, they have no idea there are humans out there that wish to kill them. The Katmai Bay is a prime example. It’s been the haven of wildlife photographers who craved a natural environment for filming grizzleys. Its reputation grew to the point where not only wildlife photographers from all over the world spent their summers in the Katmai, but so did wealthy tourists who wished a unique filming experience. When Palin signed the bill for bear control, the Katmai was one of the first areas targeted. At the summer’s end, after the tourists had chuckled at cubs, watched their mothers fish, learned all the intricacies of bear behavior, and gone away; the same guides that had given the tourists a viewing expedition, accompanied hunters on a shooting exhibition.
These bears that had grown so used to humans, they lived alongside them, had no idea their next encounter would be with a bullet. For the mighty hunters who wanted a trophy, it wasn’t much different than going into a herd of cattle. What did the guides receive for their Judas treatment? Five thousand dollars for each bagged bear. Way to go, animal life management!
“or that placing a creature in an unnatural environment causes it to suffer?”
Now I’m questioning my pet parenting joy 🙁 …..I swear I treat them well…honest…cross my fingers and hope to die or spit or whatever! lol
Fish are yummy! I hope they remember that! Does anyone see the silliness of eschewing meat, animal products only to suppliment your diet with handfuls of capsules. This is because we are made to eat fleshy things. I don’t think we should go overboard, we should be prudent and practice good husbandry. Cattle lots are amoungst the top most disgusting things I have seen and smelt in my life, however there are ways to raise animals to eat that are human while still understanding there is a circle of life. And, I’m just curious. If we aren’t supposed to eat meat and it’s bad like they say…then why let the Polar Bears live? They eat meat too. Hell, let’s get rid of all meat eaters. I can’t make sense of it are non-human meat eaters somehow more in the right than human meat eaters? Is it only because of the advancements like animal pens and breeding?
On another note, I think animal research is A-Ok! What else are we going to research on? There are some things that I don’t want to use until they have been checked out, how on earth are we supposed to make that happen? Can’t use people, not even prisoners because as you know there is a huge portion of that population “unfairly imprisoned”. But that is another issue.
No I think responsible research using animals is probably a necessity. Now my idea of responsible and a sociopath’s are going to be different so there should be some guidelines but please tell me if you know any Vegans/PETA members who turn down Chemotherapy because that was tested on animals. Or how about mood stabilizers, also tested on animal. I would be interested in talking to a PETA member who turned down Measles and Mumps vaccinations because of their steadfast brotherhood with animals and their need to protect them from testing at all costs.
There is one thing i agree upon; if we eat meat, we should have some acknowledgment of what we are eating. I’ve spent far more time on farms and in villages than i have in cities. I understand what it means to take life, see it die or help bring it to birth. If people knew the wonderful, smooth roundness of a cow’s side and looked into the large, teary, long lashed eyes, i think there would be more hesitacy about eating her. If they saw the intelligence of a pig, that is equivalent to a dog’s and as easy to train, they wouldn’t find the bacon on the table as appetizing. Removing yourself from the source of what you are eating is no different than dropping bombs from an airplane. Since you don’t see your victims, you have no feelings of accountability.
You might be interested in studying animal testing for stem cell research. A little, hideous vision i witnessed while watching “Animal Planet”; a mouse that had a human ear growing on its back. If PETA would go after those guys, i just might join the cheering section.
I agree completely Karla, it is a different mindset to eat what you raise and if nothing else it fosters understanding and thanksgiving, both good qualities.
I am not a big fan of human ears on the back of mice, why don’t they grow something more useful like lips and vocal cords so the mice can tell us they are unhappy…or not?
Hannibal Lector thought humans were yummy. I must say, being a vegetarian and all, I thought he was the good guy in the movie. (In that he ate a bunch of losers, dummies and jerks that crossed him) I cheered when he got away from the police and dumped that nosy bitch Jodie Foster. I probably wouldn’t have dinner with Hannibal, but do respect his right to eat meat.
Hannibal did serve Fava beans, those are quite nice. Also I agree I do always love a psychopath. Particularly a brilliant one.